Sunday, February 1, 2015

Stripes - Amy Greenberg

I am happy to join in this year after a year (or 2 ?) of absence.  My diminished energy and life just sucked up the creative juices in me. This is my attempt at doing a zen doodle inspired creation. I am also attempting to follow the daily prompts with Tinkerlab's daily drawing project that called for "stripes." Looking forward to seeing everyone's art this month!


  1. Nice graphic lines! I've felt that same diminished energy and lack of creativity. Glad we're doing this. I was trying to find stripes for today, but since I'm not much for drawing I decided to go with an image that spoke to me. Glad to see you here Amy!

  2. It's such a freeing thing to be able to doodle and create free-form art isn't it?
    What a fun piece Amy!
